Monday, July 4, 2011

NDSi SD Card

Hi^^ this is actualy one of my first vid's were i talk to but um this is jsut a test(may or may not be safe) im gona upload teh*saposably copied files that i was talking about on the vid(in all honesty this sounds like im gona be giving you guys a virus but um i dont think there should be unless nintendo is gona be like apple ipod and make ur ipod catch on fire cause u pirate stuff xD) but yeah this is gona be the two files *dragon quest wars* & * Thorium wars(somtin)* jsut put these on a SD card that is compatible with your NDSi um also~~~ i guess ill try to make a vid of that some how just look in this discription on exactly where to put teh files ^^(because it makes a file caled title im not sure if you can jsut make a folder caled title ill put in discription below((((( BTW!! i think teh HBN.lst is my SAVE FILE's for thorium wars so~~ you may or may not need that :P:P:P)))))) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANTvvvvvv this is important it works ill make a actual vid of me doing this for sure p4robly right after i get this up omg omg omg im not smart at all and this isnt hard at all omg DO IT =D i might dl more games and upload good ones ^_^ mabey you moders can change this stuff around for some realy fun stuff *The Downloads* *Where to put files* I HOPE YOU HAVE A SD card READER (VERY CHEEP @ STORES im ...

Thanks To : Find camera digital ,hd camcorder , led lcd hdtv , Find camera digital ,hd camcorder , led lcd hdtv ,

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